So recently I have had a lot of response from my celebrations of National Food Holidays. I know it sounds a little crazy, but yes, there is a food to celebrate everyday of the year! Sometimes one, two, or even three to celebrate.
And for the last couple of months, I have been planning our meals, snacks, or desserts to these holidays. And I LOVE it! It's been so much fun celebrating with my husband and children. So I decided because of such great response from family and friends, why not make a new blog just about the food holidays, our celebrations, and some other fun things that happen to us along the way? (Some food related, some not.) Now I won't have posts everyday, because I do have somewhat of a life and a family to take care of. And some holidays are a little outdated, ex. National Hot Cross Buns Day for Sept. 11th. Or they are just a little gross or weird. National Oyster Day on Aug 5th? Gross. National Welsch Rarebit Day for Sept. 3rd? What is that?!
So if you find this blog as much as fun as I do, then please follow me. Or you are sick of the dinner game every night- "What do you want for dinner?" "I dunno. What do you want?" I HATE that game! Then follow this blog or you just want to check out what the food holiday is for the day (I will have a post at the beginning of the month for all the food holidays in that month) then follow this blog! Please. :)
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